This week's episode, as it stands now, could be the last one ever recorded in Gunnison which would be sad but we definitely made the most of it if that is the case. It's another episode featuring my best friends Dan and Kyle but we went for broke and had seven people on this week, which by the way was made possible through our new microphone the Yeti blue stereo microphone with the four different directional pick up patterns. This was another episode where alcohol was involved but yours truly was not drinking during lent so hopefully it stays a little more on the rails and coherent. This weeks guests are Dan, Kyle, Dana (member of our Residence life staff), Aaron (also a member of our Residence life staff), Bentley (Dan's girlfriend), and Hadley (member of our friend group and was on her second date with Kyle) hence the title. We had a lot of fun and played Never have I ever, which I think could be the first time that was played over a podcast. I hope it isn't the last time we all get to be in the same space but if it was I'm glad they all wanted it to be on the podcast and helped me out in that way.
Follow Dan on Instagram @danielcunningham06
Follow Dana on Instagram @lionheart394
Follow Hadley on Instagram @hadley_murphy, and twitter @HadToMurph
Follow Aaron on Instagram @aaron_ag_anguiano
Follow Bentley on Instagram @bentleyschmidt
and you can find Kyle on snapchat @JonnyMountains
Follow me on Instagram @proud_wop, twitter @JimmyPallotto, and follow the podcast twitter @COAPOD73
This podcast is made possible through anchor if you want to start your own podcast go to
Thanks for being the Center of Attention