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Dec. 19, 2019

Center of Attention Episode 2: Finals Week Christmas Break and football fandom Sainthood

Center of Attention Episode 2: Finals Week Christmas Break and football fandom Sainthood

Welcome back to another episode of Center of Attention, todays episode is the first solo podcast done from the Ute basement in my room. The topics for todays episode include Christmas break, finals week and how stress affects different people, my medical episode earlier this year and my doctor's appointment coming up Friday. Then I finish up giving my thoughts on the College Football Playoff and my champion prediction, then finally I give my plan for the Bengals and how they can get back to being good and why all Bengals fans are saints. If you enjoy the show please like and subscribe on Google Podcasts, breaker, and RadioPublic. If you listen on Spotify please follow the show. If you are new to the podcast go back and listen to the previous episodes. You can follow me on twitter @JimmyPallotto, Instagram @proud_wop, and Facebook as Jimmy Pallotto. Also starting once again next semester Gunnison Sports Talk Radio will return live to KWSB 91.1fm and on the tunein app under KWSB, if you have missed any of the episodes from this semester you can listen to those on SoundCloud under the Gunnison Sports Talk Radio page. I have a blog that I post to weekly as well and you can read that and subscribe at Jamespallottoiii.wixsite.com/centerofattention. Have a good rest of the week and be sure to tune in next week.