The Italian Stallion is back with another episode of Center of Attention, this week's episode was kind of thrown together on the fly but today we will be having two separate guests. I was able to get my brother Dom Sunday night right after the Super Bowl ended to talk about his thoughts to the game in it's rawest form, then we finishing up talking about the Royal Rumble in the WWE. Then Monday night my dad Jim took the time to give me his thoughts and we talk about the state of the game as well as the Super Bowl itself and whether or not the XFL will be successful. I also gave my thoughts about the unfortunate death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna. Pretty full episode today you can find todays guests on social media Dom is @dompallotto63 on instagram, @dompallotto on twitter. Jim is @jpallotto on instagram and @jimpalllotto on twitter. You can follow me on instagram @proud_wop and on twitter @JimmyPallotto and now you can follow the podcast on twitter @COAPOD73. Like and subscribe to the show wherever you listen so we can start growing the Stable of Stallions. Enjoy and thanks for listening!