Hold onto your headphones, educators and enthusiasts! 🎧 The latest episode of "Sunday Scaries" is a whirlwind of insights and updates. First, a sneak peek into our revamped schedule – we're diving deeper, so we're switching t...
Welcome to Episode 5 of "Sunday Scaries" - the haven for educators, parents, and anyone involved in the school system! The Importance of 'Me Time': After taking a week off, we delve into why even teachers, the unsung heroes o...
Tired of boring Sunday mornings? We've got the cure for your #SundayScaries right here, and it's going VIRAL! Buckle up, because this episode is going to be a rollercoaster of insights, humor, and maybe even a few shockers! ...
Ever felt that twist in your stomach when your friend lands THAT dream job, while you’re left clapping on the sidelines? Dive into the murky waters of envy with us. 🌊👀 As the whistle blows for the football season, we …
This week Jimmy is back for #SundayScaries and we will see if anyone is ready to step to the take master! He will rundown the plan for the week's content and might give some insight on the #PLL live from …
Jimmy is grateful for you to join in on the first episode of the new @FeOTBpod series #SundayScaries! This will be a quick #live show each #Sunday where our resident Teach Jimmy talks about his week's work on the podcasts, …