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Finding Harmony Podcast Episodes

Dec. 26, 2021

Magic and the Mysore Yoga Tradition with Andrew Eppler

Merry Christmas! For this year-end special we have a little present for you all. Some Magic! We would like to introduce you to an incredibly interesting practitioner and teacher, Andrew Eppler. At one time, he was a kind of …
Dec. 19, 2021

Saraswati the Goddess of Learning with Tara Mitra

What does cooking, painting and yoga all have in common? Listen to this week’s episode of Finding Harmony with Tara Mitra to find out. Tara is a life long lover of learning, discovering new ideas, people, and places. It seem…
Dec. 12, 2021

Coming Full Circle with Nea Ferrier

The truly bizarre thing about living in an intentional ‘spiritually aspirant’ community (for decades) is that you share profound memories with a select group of folks who you know only incidentally. Yet, those shared memori…
Dec. 2, 2021

A Trip Towards the Self with Barry Silver

New York, New York. If you can make it there you can make it anywhere. Today we interview Barry Silver, traveling artist, explorer of the mystic and esoteric realms. Although Barry is currently based in Mexico, we met him ba…
Nov. 28, 2021

IKEA, ABBA and Lisa Lalér

Sweden is famous for IKEA, ABBA, Minecraft… and Spotify! Today we speak with the lovely Lisa Lalér, who was born and raised in Stockholm in Sweden. We’re extremely grateful that Lisa opened up to us about her turbulent child…
Nov. 21, 2021

Karyn Grenfell: A Hero's Journey

We were engrossed in conversation with our dear friend, Certified teacher Karyn Grenfell, Founder of Ashtanga Yoga Melbourne, when she mentioned a hilarious old trick... Karyn recounted, while backpacking (back in the day, b…
Nov. 14, 2021

Joey Solano: Accountant to the Bollywood Stars

Grab a coffee, brew your tea, crack a coconut, because this is a real “chai-stand” conversation! In today’s episode you’ll hear story after story about different people and events within our global yoga community, including …
Nov. 7, 2021

Susanna Finocchi: Transitions Through Time and Space

Similar to Ganesha the elephant-headed deity in India, Janus is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings in ancient Roman mythology. He is usually depicted as having t…
Oct. 31, 2021

Emma O'Neill on this Samhain

Samhain or All Hollow’s Eve is an ancient festival of the northern Gaelic islands. It’s a celebration meant to honor the beginning of winter when the demarcation between this world the other is thinned. On this day the Aos S…
Oct. 24, 2021

Lu Duong: The Western Wing

It is probably no secret to you all that we (Harmony & Russell) enjoy watching television together (shhh…!). After finishing over 21 seasons of Hell’s Kitchen, we moved on to prestige dramas like The Handmaid’s Tale and Mrs.…
Oct. 17, 2021

Michael Baidoo: The Beginner's Mind

We can not wait to introduce you to our guest this week: Michael Baidoo. Michael is very unique in that he’s what we might call a “CoVid phenomenon.” He is completely self taught through online resources, social media, and Z…
Oct. 10, 2021

The Undersea World of Daniela Ceccarelli

Observe this seeming contradiction: The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever. Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans. - Jacques Cous…
Oct. 3, 2021

That's How I Got To Moscow... with Anna Guryeva

It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to our friend Anna Guryeva. She graces us a with a marvelous little window into the Russian soul. From the heart of Siberia, she reveals a path to joy. To see the beauty of th…
Sept. 26, 2021

Geoff Mackenzie: Man of the World

It is such a joy to meet a human being dedicated to evolution, self discovery, and insight. It’s our pleasure to introduce to you the accentless Englishman, now profoundly Canadian, Geoff Mackenzie! Citizen of the world, sw…
Sept. 19, 2021

Living Yoga with Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor

Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor need no introduction. In this episode, we talk about the dissolution of our minds, bodies, and practices in the face of time. How do we let go of the physicality of the practice? We were curio…
Sept. 12, 2021

Where were you on 9/11, Hanne Sydanmaa?

It is with great pleasure we introduce to you the contagiously ebullient Hanne Sydanmaa from Helsinki, Finland. We asked Hanne to share a bit about the birth of Ashtanga Yoga in Finland, which continues to this day to have …
Sept. 5, 2021

The Odyssey of Kristina Karitinou

If you ever wondered how gods are made, our guest today will tell you they start out as heroes. They become big enough to thrust out at Brad Pitt and decide the fate of thousands of women and children. Hector must have been …
Aug. 29, 2021

Taylor Hunt: In Recovery

September is National Recovery Month. This national observance has been held every September since 1989, to educate and increase awareness around mental health and substance use disorders. It’s also a month to celebrate the …
Aug. 22, 2021

Lee Seung-Eun: Lost in Translation

You know her as Lee. We know her as 이성은 It is with great honor and joy that we introduce you to our very special friend, Lee (this is her last name of course) . In the Korean language the last name is introduced first before…
Aug. 15, 2021

Ann Svärdfelt: A Field of Swords

It’s our pleasure to introduce you to Ann Svärdfelt. Many of you know here as her the proprietor of the Santosha Cafe. Her experience of Mysore is unique. She came to Ashtanga Yoga later in life, already with small children,…
Aug. 8, 2021

Casey Palmer: A Proto Punk Pioneer in Portland

As you’re quickly becoming aware, We, in our little Ashtanga Yoga Land, have a culture. This word stems from the Latin meaning “to cultivate or to toil over.” And, this cultivation of the soil, slowly became a cultivation of…
Aug. 1, 2021

The Three Stigmata of Mariela Cruz

It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to our great friend Mariela Cruz. Mariela is one of those phenomenal human that you might find in an Alexandre Dumas classic like ‘The Count of Monte Christo’ or ‘The Man in t…
July 25, 2021

A Delicious Poison with Kate Winter

Today we’ve created a Venn diagram of interesting listening…. Here you’ll find the intersection of the dedicated The Last Kingdom fan (secretly in love with Uhtred of Uhtred; and Aethelfled her personal hero), mixing with a …
July 18, 2021

Dena Kingsberg: That's Where The Light Gets In

"By the practice of the limbs of Yoga, the impurities dwindle away and there dawns the light of wisdom, leading to discriminative discernment." “ Dukham evam sarvaam vivekinaha .” For a viveki , a person with discriminative …
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