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Finding Harmony Podcast Episodes

Nov. 26, 2023

A Spiritual Practice For The Holidays

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas coming up around the corner, I wanted to share some helpful tips for how we can use spiritual practices to help us through the holidays. Did you know that research has shown that a s…
Nov. 19, 2023

Why Asana Isn’t Enough…

Many of us come to the practice feeling broken and struggle with an underlying sense that we’re just not enough. We seek validation by looking outside ourselves. We seek to do things right, to learn the “correct method” and …
Nov. 12, 2023

Ashtanga Dispatch with Peg Mulqueen

Today I’m speaking with the O.G of Ashtanga podcasting. The woman who started “Ashtanga Dispatch,” the first podcast dedicated to Ashtanga yoga teaching, ( long before most of us even knew what a podcast was, let alone had a…
Nov. 5, 2023

The Only Time Is Now… with Luke Jordan

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, There is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, The world is too full to talk about... Ideas, language, even the phrase each other doesn't make an…
Oct. 29, 2023

And Don’t Forget To Breathe… With Nick Heath The Breathing Diabetic

Did you know that how you breathe can help to regulate blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce the risk of complications from diabetes? But that’s only a fraction of what a conscious slow breathing practi…
Oct. 22, 2023

On Top of The Mountain with Elizabeth Kadetsky

Today we explore the epic yoga battle between the Iyengar school and the Ashtanga school, as we sit down with author, yoga practitioner, three-time Fullbright fellow to India, researcher, editor, and Professor of English and…
Oct. 15, 2023

Dancing In My Dreams with Dr. Ralph Craig III

When Tina Turner, often dubbed the “Queen of Rock ‘N’ Roll,” died at her home in Küsnacht, Switzerland, on May 24, 2023, what many did not know is that Ms. Turner had practiced Soka Gakkai International Nichiren Buddhism for…
Oct. 1, 2023

Love Your Body, Love Your Life with Anna Surrey

Today we’re diving deep into the secret feelings of guilt and shame we often carry -- but don’t dare to speak about or admit… not even to ourselves. We're sitting down with Anna Surrey , an Intuitive Eating & Positive Body I…
Sept. 10, 2023

Nourished Evolution with Lia Huber

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by having to come up with yet another idea for dinner… Feeling a lack of time and physically exhausted at the end of a long day; But, you still want to eat delicious, healthy food… This episod…
Sept. 3, 2023

Creating a Sustainable Spiritual Wellness Practice

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by a lack of time or physical fatigue, this episode is for you. We're going to discuss a few practical strategies to help you overcome some of these obstacles and create a sustainable spiritua…
Aug. 27, 2023

Finding A Stillpoint with Scott Johnson

The Buddha counsels a grieving mother unable to come to terms with her son’s death to visit her neighbors door-to-door, and to collect a mustard seed from each household untouched by death. By the evening, her empty hands an…
Aug. 20, 2023

Jana Wilson: Wise Little One

“What I have come to know in my personal life and the lives of all the people I've worked with is that every trauma, challenge, and wound comes bearing a gift and some wisdom our soul needs. Once I opened up to finding the w…
Aug. 13, 2023

Eternally Youthful with David Garrigues

You might know David Garrigues as a Certified Ashtanga yoga teacher, but today you’ll hear all about what spurred him into the Seattle punk scene, and how music pulled him out of a very difficult time in his life, where he w…
July 30, 2023

The Tao of Dreams with Kari Hohne

Meeting up with Kari Hohne in Lake Tahoe was a true joy! As we dive into a fun-filled conversation about how she left her glamorous position in the high-fashion industry to follow a deeper soul calling. She’s talking with us…
July 23, 2023

Awaken with Susan Klein-Holmen

Susan Klein-Holmen is a multi-passionate entrepreneur. The Founder and Creative Director STELLdesign, and Yoga Teacher and Mentor at her own school: Kosha Yoga Shala. She grew up in the prairies of the mid-west. Her Scandana…
July 16, 2023

A Stroke of Insight with Meghan Marshall

This conversation with Meghan had all of us laughing about something that's no laughing matter! Maybe it's Meghan's dry Canadian sense of humor, but Russell kept throwing her little balls of wonderful wit and she just kept c…
July 9, 2023

When Love Beckons You with Delara Tiv

"Come, come, whoever you are, a pagan, an idol worshiper or an infidel. Come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come." - Rumi Delara Tiv grew up with Sufi traditions throug…
June 25, 2023

All of You is Welcome

Spiritual practice is about welcoming all of you. It's touching life exactly where life is touching you. It is allowing everything and everyone to be exactly as they are in this moment, without trying to change or manipulate…
June 18, 2023

¡Hala Madrid! ...y nada más

"¡Hala Madrid! ...y nada más" means "Go Madrid and nothing more!" During the course of this interview a smile started to slowly etch itself into our very souls. Some people are built different. Some people hide themselves aw…
June 11, 2023

Journey to Mysore Tenerife with Viviane Simon

Our guest today was born in Germany, growing up on her family’s farm in Bavaria. *side note BMW stands for Bayerische Motoren Werke or Bavarian Auto Works... and that's where Harmony will be teaching this week, in Munich! Wh…
June 3, 2023

Being, Nothingness & Suchness with Jivana Heyman

What a beautiful podcast to kick off Pride month! This is an important month to celebrate our common humanity, diversity, and unconditional love and acceptance of one another. Jivana coined the phrase, “Accessible Yoga,” ove…
May 28, 2023

Sally Parkes Yoga School For Life

We start off this episode with a cautionary tale about what happens when you experience debilitating back pain and don’t listen to your body, but try to work through the pain. Our guest Sally Parkes, began her journey in the…
May 21, 2023

Spiritual Emergence with Dr. Emma Bragdon

We have an incredible conversation to share with you today! Introducing our new friend, the eminent Dr. Emma Bragdon. Emma has been a pioneer in body-mind-spirit wellness for 50 years. She has written 7 books and co-produced…
May 8, 2023

Lady Lucinda on Solsbury Hill

Well… we certainly didn’t expect that. We didn’t expect to be talking to Peter Gabriel’s niece. We didn’t expect her to actually be living beside Solsbury Hill. We didn’t think we’d be talking about all that much about Ben F…
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