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Feb. 17, 2023

Fresh Mix Podcast - Episode 46: Kerry Kott of Tampa on Nudity, Nature, Photography, and Healing

Fresh Mix Podcast - Episode 46: Kerry Kott of Tampa on Nudity, Nature, Photography, and Healing

A Mix of Florida's Freshest Personalities

What does it mean to be human? Today's guest has explored that question through nudity and nature. Kerry Kott is a nude nature photographer, physician of Chinese medicine, mentor, teacher, and alchemist, but ... most importantly, she's a human. She leads nude ceremonies -- a.k.a. Wild Woman Events -- for groups of women who are trying to shed their fear, guilt, and shame toward their bodies. Kerry tells Gerard how embracing your nakedness can be a very healing and enriching experience. Plus, she shares how she overcomes people's judgments about her lifestyle. Listen in and learn something new today!

Host: Gerard Legagneur

Guest: Kerry Kott

Links: Kerry's Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

Link: The Universe Made Me Do It Podcast

Link: The Naked Human Podcast

DONATE: Gerard's Guitars Over Guns fundraiser!

Visit The Fresh Mix Website: FreshMixPodcast.com

Follow The Fresh Mix on Social Media: Instagram | Twitter

Email the Show: FreshMix@FloridaPodcastNetwork.com

Executive Producer: Jaime Legagneur

Lead Content Producer: Amber Amortegui

Additional Support Provided by: Listeners Like You and Flint Stone Media


Production House: Flint Stone Media

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