Nov. 4, 2020

FTMP S1 E15 ft. Rubadiri Victor

FTMP S1 E15 ft. Rubadiri Victor

This episode welcomes a very prominent activist, speaker, historian, writer and commentator to speak on the issues and history of local content.

Part 1 of this episode speaks to the history of how our local content distribution is where it is today. Rubadiri exposes both the cultural mindsets as well as the political and legal issues that pertained to the percentages of local content reflected not just on radio, but on most of our platforms.

Rubadiri Victor's Talk at the Philosophical Society on the State of the Creative Sector

Content Featured NOT on Local Radio:

John John- Let's Make Music
Featuring Bonez and Produced by Randall Lopez- Rewind this track

Sponsors: @janberrywrites, Roger Baptiste


For the Most Part Tech Team! Follow us on IG:

The Curious one: @thekemster91 (Kemi)
Question man: @lookitsadrii (Adriel)
SMG: @lyrix_lyrically_inclined (L.L.I- Lyrix)
Writer: @loooouiiiiise_
Editor in chief: yume.tt_ (Eoin) 

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