
July 26, 2024

Save Vs. Pay: The Value of Advice

During the process of planning for your future financial well-being, one of the most common and challenging questions many Canadians face is whether to save money or pay down debt. This decision is complex as it involves understanding interest rates…

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July 24, 2024

The Risks and Rewards of Collecting Your CPP Early

Deciding when to start collecting your Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits is a decision that can significantly influence your financial security during retirement. The CPP provides retirement income to Canadians who have contributed during their wor…

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July 18, 2024

What To Do If You’ve Made a Poor Investment Choice

Investing is inherently associated with risk, and even seasoned investors can make poor investment choices. Whether due to market volatility, lack of research, or unforeseen circumstances, the impact of these decisions can be significant. However, m…

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July 16, 2024

Is It Better to Max Out an RESP Early, Front-Load Contributions, or Spread Them Out?

When planning for your child's post-secondary education in Canada, the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is a powerful tool. The decision on how to fund this account—whether to max out your RESP early, front-load contributions, or sprea…

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July 12, 2024

The Value of Travel Medical Insurance and Trip Cancellation Insurance: A Financial Expert's Perspective

Traveling offers incredible experiences, whether for leisure, business, or adventure. On the latest episode of The Free Lunch Podcast, Portfolio Managers Colin Andrews and Greg Kraminsky discuss the importance of travel medical insurance and trip ca…

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June 27, 2024


A few weeks back on the Free Lunch Podcast, we spoke about the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) and how it relates to both health and wealth. Investing isn’t merely a technical endeavor of crunching numbers and analyzing markets; it&rsqu…

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June 14, 2024

Introducing Karyn Silenzi - Financial Wealth and Physical Health

Financial Wealth and Physical Health - both are vital for long-term well-being and share numerous similarities in terms of the principles and practices needed to maintain them. Just like we hope that people don’t neglect their physical health…

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June 12, 2024

Profession or Passion?

Retirement planning isn't just about when you can retire and what kind of a lifestyle you will have after you've left the work force. It can also include choices like - Do I stay in my current profession or can I branch out to pursue …

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June 11, 2024


As our lives are increasingly intertwined with the digital world, the threat of identity takeover has become a pressing concern. Identity takeover occurs when an individual or group gains unauthorized access to your personal information, posing as…

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May 16, 2024

Caitlin Clark and Concentration Risk

I'm sure that you heard about one of the players in the Final Four on the women's side - Caitlin Clark, who has been described as a generational talent. She certainly brought a lot of viewers to women's Final Four basketball this year. Caitlin Clark…

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