Listen in as we navigate the chilling tale of Autumn Hollow, a town known for its annual Thanksgiving Day Parade that takes a turn for the terrifying. As the parade marches on, a spectral galleon appears, captained by a ghostly figure known as Ezekiel...
Listen in as we navigate the chilling tale of Autumn Hollow, a town known for its annual Thanksgiving Day Parade that takes a turn for the terrifying. As the parade marches on, a spectral galleon appears, captained by a ghostly figure known as Ezekiel Crane, a pilgrim from a bygone era, whose curse has left a lasting blight on the town.
As the town's nightmares become reality, the locals must confront their dark history to appease this wandering spirit and break the centuries-old curse. Journey with us as we unravel the curse that has plagued Autumn Hollow.
We’ll uncover the tale of the town's first cursed Thanksgiving, and the ritual that might finally set Ezekiel's tormented soul to rest. It’s a story that transcends time, showing us the importance of honoring the past and understanding its impact on our present. Get ready for a haunting, yet heartening episode, reminding us that sometimes the ghosts of history must be faced to find peace.
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