Sept. 7, 2023

S2 E3 Meet Legislative Advocate for Ending Parental Alienation Kindra Riber

S2 E3 Meet Legislative Advocate for Ending Parental Alienation Kindra Riber
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Goddesses Gather Here

Kindra is the definition of resilient. Not only has she been an amazing mom to 2 boys the last 16 years, while mastering a profession in sales and marketing, but learned how to bounce back after an unexpected divorce that destroyed a marriage of 10 years. And during that divorce, found a new job that increased her income by 38% after being let go. Her passion lies in mentoring and educating parents around the world about parental alienation. As a result of her mess, she created her message as a co-parenting coach, podcast host and legislative advocate. Yes, she even joined forces with the National Parents Organization to make sure the voices of parents are heard at the legislative level, creating change for future families. She also represents herself in court and is familiar with the law surrounding "in the best interest of the children". All things she would have never done if it wasn't for her situation.

The information contained in this episode is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. You should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included in this episode without seeking legal or other professional advice.

Find Kindra:

Check out Parental Alienation and Divorce Support Network on Meetup


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Are you a goddess? Or are you a goddess in training? And what the heck is a goddess? Join Julie Jacobs, your new favorite host of a personal development podcast that you will need to listen to over and over. Julie Jacobs brings you the experts so you can think about your life and your goddess potential in a different light.

Julie Jacobs is a certified life coach, sober human, adored wife, and mom of two fantastically behaved teenagers. Julie weaves stories of her struggles and gives you the tools to be a victor in your own life. Julie Jacobs is a podcast host that will be hard to get out of your head. If you are looking for a podcast that empowers and that is educational The Goddesses Gather here is your prescription for solving life's problems.

Goddesses Gather Here goes beyond the bold lip and the bubble bath and celebrates the zone of genius every woman has. For more information about Julie Jacobs and her goddessing check out: Julie Jacobs Coaching

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