Welcome to our new website!
Feb. 27, 2021

Going Beyond The Scale - Jennifer Jacobs

Believe it or not, Budget POSITIVITY is a passion project several years in the making. When I first started this work I had no idea how it would impact my life and outlook on money. Very quickly I learned how to create & live on a budget, chip away at my debt ($53,000 - Yes, that much!) all while I pursued my goals of moving to NYC.

All this was made possible by first taking responsibility for the hole I found myself in, my determination to turn my situation around and most importantly 2 very special people, my money mentors (Kelly + James).

Armed with this new knowledge of managing my money and confidence in my owning decision making abilities, I set out to help others and created a workshop to help other’s learn how to transform their outlook on their finances.

Enter @budgetpositivity - a budgeting workshop to empower people to live responsibly and without financial worry!

Registration for my first session opens, MONDAY, MARCH 1ST! Please know, space is limited. 

Follow @budgetpositivity on Instagram and signup to get yourself on the list for registration!


Really looking forward to creating this supportive and empowered community with you!

#budgetpositivity #moneymentors #budgeting #budget #debtfreejourney #financialfreedom #goals #goalcrusher