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Aug. 11, 2022

What's Eating You?

What's Eating You?

Like it or not, most of our shape, size, and weight (+ or -) stories are more often about “what’s eating us” than what we’re eating, exercising, or not. Which is why I recently did a very deep dive into the work of someone who’s been very transformational for me on my well “being” journey.

I’ve found that understanding what’s in our head, and especially what’s driving our actions from our subconscious is 99.9% of where we need to

focus our energies if we’re wanting to make any significant and sustainable change in our shape, size, and weight (body composition).

So, I hope you find some time to WATCH, LISTEN, or READ what I’m sharing.

And if you do, I have a strong feeling that you’ll get some new and very empowering “ways and weighs” to make some major changes for your well “being” journey too.