Why Not Go for Greatness? Because Normal is A Setting On Your Washing Machine.
Why Not Go For Greatness In Your LIfe?
Aug. 2, 2023

Question: Are Humans inventing new kinds of intelligences that biology could not evolve?

Question: Are Humans inventing new kinds of intelligences that biology could not evolve?

Why we need to create AI that thinks in ways that we can’t even imagine.

Written in 2017.  Here are just a few possible new minds:

• A global supermind composed of millions of individual dumb minds in concert.

• A hive mind made of many very smart minds, but unaware it/they are a hive.

• A borg supermind composed of many smart minds that are very aware they form a unity.

• A mind trained and dedicated to enhancing your mind but useless to anyone else.

• A mind capable of creating a greater mind that can create a greater mind, etc.

• A mind with operational access to its source code, so it can routinely mess with its processes.

• A dynamic mind capable of changing the process and character of its cognition.

• A half-machine, half-animal symbiont mind.

• A mind using quantum computing whose logic is not understandable to us.


- Written by Kevin Kelly in 2017
