Jamar Howard's life could have unfolded along a different path. Born to a 15-year-old mother, he discovered his voice and a life-changing program known as Breakthrough Miami. This program, which fosters academic enrichment th...
Jamar Howard's life could have unfolded along a different path. Born to a 15-year-old mother, he discovered his voice and a life-changing program known as Breakthrough Miami. This program, which fosters academic enrichment through a student-teaching-students approach, proved transformative. The profound impact of Breakthrough Miami on Jamar's journey towards self-reliance and self-confidence cannot be overstated. Discover firsthand how Jamar, influenced by Breakthrough Miami, shaped his own future and the futures of the students he later inspired and educated. Breakthrough Scholar, Teaching Fellow, and graduating high school senior and Syracuse University-bound, Jamar Howard, shares his life lessons here in less than ten minutes.
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