155 - "Start Your Own Freelance Writing Business" with Laura Pennington Briggs (@sixfigurewriter)

Don’t worry about what other people think when you are trying to achieve something. They might not even be thinking about you anyway. Today's featured author is former schoolteacher, freelance writing magician, and 3X TEDx speaker, Laura...
Don’t worry about what other people think when you are trying to achieve something. They might not even be thinking about you anyway.
Today's featured author is former schoolteacher, freelance writing magician, and 3X TEDx speaker, Laura Pennington-Briggs. Laura "Fierce" and I talk about getting started as a freelance writer, different types of writing and tons more!!!
Key Takeaways:
We live in an amazing time where you have access to the tools that can help you learn any skill you want at a faster rate.
Give yourself at least 5-10 hours a week for at least 1-2 months to learn copywriting.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the easiest things that you can teach yourself to do.
90 % of Laura’s writing is for SEO. It’s in high demand.
Search engines (especially Google) reward high-quality content, not keyword spam.
Laura's Site: http://www.betterbizacademy.com/
Laura's 1st TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGY8vO3KRTk
The opening track is titled "Pilot Wings Remix" by Rukunetsu (aka Project R). Click on the following link to listen and cop the full tune. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/pilotwings-4-results
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