184 - "ManTality" with DeWayne Foote (@zodonboys)

“Don’t go away from here without telling your story.” - DeWayne Foote Today's featured author is spoken word artist and plumber, DeWayne Foote. DeWayne and I talk about his upbringing that taught him to ask boldly as well as what helped...
“Don’t go away from here without telling your story.” - DeWayne Foote
Today's featured author is spoken word artist and plumber, DeWayne Foote. DeWayne and I talk about his upbringing that taught him to ask boldly as well as what helped him become a spoken word artist.
Key Takeaways:
When you transform into a writer, it opens yourself up for other avenues.
“The more I wrote, the better I felt.”
Some parts of your character are ticked away until the right catalyst appears.
Everyone needs a dose of reality. The dose is sometimes painful but necessary.
Understand your audience and your cadence as a spoken word artist.
DeWayne's Book: https://www.amazon.com/ManTality-DeWayne-Foote-ebook/dp/B07467MJ9Q
The opening track is titled "King's Theme" by Asis Galvin. To listen and purchase the full track, click the following link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/kings-theme
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