215 – “Supernatural Favor” with Sonja Prince-Ward

People love seeing success stories and God created you to be one of them. Today’s featured author is HR Specialist, Assisted Living Owner, minister and Marriage expert, Sonja Prince-Ward. Sonja and I talk about her co-author project, keys to...
People love seeing success stories and God created you to be one of them.
Today’s featured author is HR Specialist, Assisted Living Owner, minister and Marriage expert, Sonja Prince-Ward. Sonja and I talk about her co-author project, keys to a happy marriage and more!!!
Key Takeaways:
Any negative situation can be turned around into a blessing.
Marriage will not answer all your problems if you’re single.
Marriage is work.
Communication, consideration, conflict resolution, and compromise are the 4 C’s to a happy marriage.
Prince of Peace Assisted Living: https://www.princeofpeaceal.com/
The opening track is titled "Fly" by Marcus D. Be sure to visit his site (http://marcusd.net/track/fly-ft-choklate) and support his craft.
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