June 8, 2020

256 – “When You Realize How Perfect Everything Is” with Bernie Siegel, MD and Charlie Siegel (@BernieSiegelMD)

256 – “When You Realize How Perfect Everything Is” with Bernie Siegel, MD and Charlie Siegel (@BernieSiegelMD)
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256 – “When You Realize How Perfect Everything Is” with Bernie Siegel, MD and Charlie Siegel (@BernieSiegelMD)

“Follow your heart and believe in what you want to do.” – Charlie Siegel Today’s featured bestselling authors are the grandfather & grandson dynamic duo of Dr. Bernie & Charlie Siegel. Dr. Bernie, Charlie, and I talk about what...

“Follow your heart and believe in what you want to do.” – Charlie Siegel

Today’s featured bestselling authors are the grandfather & grandson dynamic duo of Dr. Bernie & Charlie Siegel. Dr. Bernie, Charlie, and I talk about what inspired them to write poetry on their views of life, how their granddad/grandson relationship with each other influenced their lives, and more!!!


Key Things You’ll Learn:


Why humor is necessary for life.

Why Charlie & his grandfather Bernie did this co-author and publish this poetry book.

Why everyone should write poetry.


Bernie & Charlie’s Book: https://sacredstoriespublishing.com/#!/when-you-realize-how-perfect-everything-is

Dr. Bernie’s Site: www.BernieSiegelMD.com

Charlie’s Photography Site: https://naturephotobysc.picfair.com


The opening track is titled, "Bar Lupin" by Marcus D. Check out the full track and download it here. https://marcusd.net/track/bar-lupin


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