263.5 (Holiday Bonus Episode) – “The Art of Inspiring People to Be Their Best” with (@CraigWhelden)

“It’s never too late to start something new.” – Craig Whelden Today’s bonus featured bestselling, award-winning author is motivational speaker, Major General for the Craig Whelden. Craig and I talk about his military experience, why...
“It’s never too late to start something new.” – Craig Whelden
Today’s bonus featured bestselling, award-winning author is motivational speaker, Major General for the Craig Whelden. Craig and I talk about his military experience, why he wrote his book about leadership, and tons more!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
The most important aspect of leadership.
Craig’s process of turning his memoir into a leadership book.
Why leaders need to have their priorities in the right order.
Why you must count the cost when advancing in your career.
The power of a senior leader encouraging their subordinates.
Craig’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Leadership-Inspiring-People-Their-Best/dp/173384113X/ref=sr_1_1
Craig’s Site: https://www.craigwhelden.com/
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