“What would happen if the way I see life isn’t the way life is?” – Danny Levin Today’s bonus guest author is a former monk and transformational speaker, Danny Levin. Danny and I talk about his book the mosaic, the power of listening,...
“What would happen if the way I see life isn’t the way life is?” – Danny Levin
Today’s bonus guest author is a former monk and transformational speaker, Danny Levin. Danny and I talk about his book the mosaic, the power of listening, and tons more!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
What inspired the framework for his book “The Mosaic”
What Danny’s daughter taught him about communication.
Why a conversation with a homeless man led to Danny starting his 50 Conversations with 50 strangers project that’s growing past 50 conversations.
To learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to:
To get The Mosaic, please go to:
or go to Amazon:
To subscribe to Danny’s YouTube Channel please go here:
The opening track is titled “Kirin” by Marcus D. to listen to the full track and purchase the whole album, click the following link. https://marcusd.net/album/kirin
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