289.5 (Charm City Bonus Episode) “Love Made Simple” with Juan Lee (@LoveMadeSimple)

Some people believe that circumstantial care is love. Today’s featured bonus author is a decorated US Air Force veteran and 30+ year student of religion, Juan Lee. Juan and I talk about his new book, using love as a foundation for living and...
Some people believe that circumstantial care is love.
Today’s featured bonus author is a decorated US Air Force veteran and 30+ year student of religion, Juan Lee. Juan and I talk about his new book, using love as a foundation for living and more!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
What Juan's definition of what love is.
How to use love as the foundation of your life
Why Juan believes "Unconditional love" is a misnomer.
Juan’s Site: https://juanleetheauthor.com/
Juan’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Made-Simple-Contentment-Success/dp/1735041300
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