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Dec. 16, 2024

#Bonus Ep. – Blending Executive Coaching with Fiction to Foster Connection with Kae Wagner (@kaegw)

#Bonus Ep. – Blending Executive Coaching with Fiction to Foster Connection with Kae Wagner (@kaegw)

“When I'm writing, characters come into the book that I hadn't planned for, and they just pop in and insist on being part of the story. Out of the mess comes the magic, and out of the mess comes the beauty.” – Kae Wagner

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The Going North Podcast

“When I'm writing, characters come into the book that I hadn't planned for, and they just pop in and insist on being part of the story. Out of the mess comes the magic, and out of the mess comes the beauty.” – Kae Wagner

Today’s featured bestselling, award-winning author is a mom, wife, entrepreneur, filmmaker, speaker, and executive coach, Kae Wagner. Kae and I had a fun on a bun chat about her books, how storytelling can impact your personal growth, and more!


Key Things You’ll Learn:

What inspired her to write her latest book, “Saturday Night in Philadelphia”

How her background influenced her storytelling

What was the transition like from nonfiction to fiction writing

How the themes of forgiveness and redemption resonate with readers and influence her writing


Kae’s Site:

Kae’s Books:


The opening track is titled, "Set Sail" by Sparks Dynamite. To listen to and download the full track, click the following link.

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