Oct. 15, 2020

Ep. 293 – “Machete Woman” with Judy Lemon #C2H

Ep. 293 – “Machete Woman” with Judy Lemon #C2H
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Ep. 293 – “Machete Woman” with Judy Lemon #C2H

"Don't waste so much time waiting for something to come to you. Go out there and get it." – Judy Lemon   Today’s featured bestselling author is shamanic practitioner and Somatic Experiencing trauma therapist (SEP), Judy Lemon. Judy and I talk...

"Don't waste so much time waiting for something to come to you. Go out there and get it." – Judy Lemon


Today’s featured bestselling author is shamanic practitioner and Somatic Experiencing trauma therapist (SEP), Judy Lemon. Judy and I talk about her apprenticeship in Latin America, her Crappy to Happy Story, and more!!


Key Things You’ll Learn:

Why she decided to go on a Jungle adventure for a spiritual apprenticeship.

The meaning behind Machete Woman.

What is next for Judy after Crappy to Happy.


Judy’s Site: https://judylemon.com/

Crappy To Happy Book: https://judylemon.com/crappy-to-happy-true-stories-of-grit-grace-love/



The opening track is titled “Harvest Moon” by Marcus D. To listen and support him, click the following link. https://marcusd.net/track/harvest-moon 


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