Oct. 29, 2020

Ep. 297 – “Integrative Medicine” with Dr. Bonnie McLean (@BonnieMcLean11) #C2H

Ep. 297 – “Integrative Medicine” with Dr. Bonnie McLean (@BonnieMcLean11) #C2H
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Ep. 297 – “Integrative Medicine” with Dr. Bonnie McLean (@BonnieMcLean11) #C2H

“We have gifts in all of our mistakes.” – Dr. Bonnie McLean Today’s featured bestselling author is Acupuncture Physician and 37-year Oriental Holistic Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Bonnie McLean. Dr. Bonnie and I talk about taking preventative...

“We have gifts in all of our mistakes.” – Dr. Bonnie McLean

Today’s featured bestselling author is Acupuncture Physician and 37-year Oriental Holistic Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Bonnie McLean. Dr. Bonnie and I talk about taking preventative actions to maintain supreme health and catching covid-19 and recovering from it.


Key Things You’ll Learn:

How Dr. Bonnie is keeping her brain healthy.

Her lessons learned from catching and surviving Covid.

What makes her acupuncture style different from others.

Steps you can take to help prevent bad health during the pandemic and beyond.



Dr. Bonnie’s Site: https://www.spiritgatemedicine.com/

Dr. Bonnie’s Books: https://www.spiritgatemedicine.com/store/

Dr. Bonnie’s BizCatalyst360 Blog Page: https://www.bizcatalyst360.com/author/bonniemclean/



The opening track is titled "Pharmaceutic" by Marcus D. Be sure to visit his site (https://marcusd.net/track/pharmaceutic) and support his craft.


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