Ep. 316 – “Ubuntu Leadership” with Dr. LaMarr Darnell Shields (@LaMarrDShields)

“We are better friends to other people than we are to ourselves.” - Dr. LaMarr Darnell Shields
“We are better friends to other people than we are to ourselves.” - Dr. LaMarr Darnell Shields
Today’s featured bestselling author is inspirational speaker, educator, thought-leader, author, and artist, Dr. LaMarr Darnell Shields. Dr. Shields and I talk about mindfulness, the Ubuntu philosophy, and more!!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
What keeps Dr. LaMarr inspired and motivated.
3 keys for being an Effective Servant Leader.
A benefit of mindfulness that many people don’t know about.
How to make a bigger impact in the world.
Why Dr. Shields became a Vegan and stayed meat-free since 1993.
Dr. LaMarr’s Site: https://drlamarrdarnellshields.com/
Dr. LaMarr’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3ALamarr+Darnell+Shields&s=relevancerank&text=Lamarr+Darnell+Shields&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
Dr. LaMarr’s SoundBalming Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/soundbalming-with-lamarr-darnell-shields/id1382530540
The opening track is titled “Chill in Brazil” by MadXRuler (formally known as Ruler Inc.). To hear the full track and support the artist, click the following link. https://madxruler.bandcamp.com/track/chill-in-brazil
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