Ep. 317 – “Fulfillment Is Fake” with Matthew McGregor (@Matthew_McGr)

“People want the outcome but not necessarily the journey.” - Matthew McGregor
“People want the outcome but not necessarily the journey.” - Matthew McGregor
Today’s featured author is a business growth expert, international speaker, coach, trainer, and is the founder and creator of 22 Apps™, Matthew McGregor. Matt and I talk about what led him to the creation of 22 Apps, his past life before 22 Apps, and more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
What inspired Matt to start 22apps.
Why Matt believes that fulfillment is fake.
Why people don’t achieve as much as they would like.
What character would 22apps be in the game of Super Smash Bros. against the other apps in the world.
Matt’s Site: https://22apps.com/
The opening track is titled, "Full Grip (Ridge Racer PS Vita Concept)" by Rukunetsu (AKA Project R). To cop this track, tap on the following link. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/full-grip-ridge-racer
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