Jan. 21, 2021

Ep. 321 – “Ethical Success and Business Prosperity” with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (@yonasongoldson)

Ep. 321 – “Ethical Success and Business Prosperity” with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (@yonasongoldson)
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Ep. 321 – “Ethical Success and Business Prosperity” with Rabbi Yonason Goldson (@yonasongoldson)

“Good ethics is good business.” - Rabbi Yonason Goldson

“Good ethics is good business.” - Rabbi Yonason Goldson


Today’s featured author is TEDx speaker, hitchhiking rabbi, and Keynote speaker with 3000 years’ experience, Yonason Goldson. Yonason and I talk about the globetrotting adventures that led him to become a rabbi, having ethical personal success, and more!!!


Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:

Why we need a sense of direction.

The backpacking journeys that led him to become a Rabbi.

4 Simple reminders for keeping yourself in check.


Yonason’s Site: https://www.yonasongoldson.com/

Yonason’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Yonason-Goldson/e/B00JE7CJWC?ref_=dbs_p_ebk_r00_abau_000000

Yonason’s TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbKSSK-OedQ&ab_channel=TEDxTalks


This week's opening track is Melancholy Hopeful by Marcus D from the Melancholy Hopeful album (Instrumental Version). Here's the link to cop the track. http://marcusd.net/track/melancholy-hopeful


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