Ep. 340 – “A Single Light” with Tosca Lee (@ToscaLee)

“Write as boldly as you can and don’t worry about what people will think.” – Tosca Lee
“Write as boldly as you can and don’t worry about what people will think.” – Tosca Lee
Today’s featured award-winning, New York Times bestselling author is mom, wife, and notorious night owl, Tosca Lee. Tosca and I talk about tapping into your inner confidence as a writer, her favorite lesson that she re-learned from teaching others about writing, and tons more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
How to keep your confidence as a published author.
How to handle feedback as a writer.
Her WWII-inspired project with another writer.
What Tosca did to keep herself in front of her readers during the pandemic.
The mindset authors should develop about rejection and bad reviews.
Tosca’s Site: https://toscalee.com/
The opening track is titled, Enlightened Thought by Asis Galvin. Support his craft and listen to the full track by clicking the following link, https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/enlightened-thought
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