Ep. 348 – “Bring Inner Greatness Out” with Dr. Mansur Hasib, CISSP, PMP, CPHIMS (@mhasib)

“Knowledge in the head is useless you can actually do something with that knowledge” - Dr. Mansur Hasib
“Knowledge in the head is useless you can actually do something with that knowledge” - Dr. Mansur Hasib
Today’s featured award-winning author is a global thought leader, Keynote Speaker, and the first-ever doctorate in cybersecurity to appear on this podcast, Dr. Mansur Hasib. Dr. Mansur and I talk about taking control of your personal brand, tapping into your uniqueness to gain an advantage, and tons more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
Why you must see yourself as a business.
The first step you should take to have control of your personal brand.
What you should lead with when you take control of your personal brand.
Dr. Mansur’s Site: https://www.cybersecurityleadership.com/home.html
Dr. Mansur’s Books: https://drcybersecurity.square.site/
Conversations with #DrCybersecurity: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLorvYEvhshhLyGrVEcNG0mmOaI9WCOnIx
The Versatile Success, “Lost & Found Program”: https://programs.versatilesuccess.com/bd8032f7-469b-4f78-bf5c-39f5e25ab63e/flmc7 | Enter the code LOSTANDFOUND-GOINGNORTH for $200 off the online course.
A special shoutout goes to EV Sharp (formally known as MagicMusicX) for his track "Computer Room". Be sure to snag this and his other wonderful tunes through the following link. https://evsharp.bandcamp.com/track/the-computer-room
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