Ep. 351.5 – “Carnal Knowledge” with Rachael Tamayo (@rtamayo2004)

“I want each book to be better than the last one.” – Rachael Tamayo
“I want each book to be better than the last one.” – Rachael Tamayo
Today’s featured award-winning international bestselling author is mom, wife, former 911 emergency operator, and Freelance Editor, Rachael Tamayo. Rachael and I have a chat about the writer’s growth mindset, why she no longer writes fiction books and more good advice for authors.
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
What inspired her to write.
What helped her to step out of her comfort zone and tell the world that she is a writer.
Why a genre switch may help your writing career.
Why pacing yourself is important as a writer.
How to view the editing process of your book.
Rachael’s Site: https://rachaeltamayowrites.com/
Rachael’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B01HC2VZ0C
Resource Mentioned:
Critique Circle - https://new.critiquecircle.com/landing
The opening track is titled “Vash The Stampede” by Asis Galvin. To listen to the full track and support the artist monetarily, click the following link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/vash-the-stampede
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