Ep. 407 – “Financial Alchemy” with Morgana Rae (@morganarae)

“Money is the number one excuse human beings give for anything we can’t have, do, or be.” – Morgana Rae
“Money is the number one excuse human beings give for anything we can’t have, do, or be.” – Morgana Rae
Today’s featured superstar is a 20-time international #1 best-selling author, mentor coach, and the world’s #1 authority on relationship with money, Morgana Rae. Morgana and I have a content-heavy conversation about changing your relationship with money and more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
How to find the root cause of your money issues.
What a Money Honey is and can there be more than one.
What a Money Monster is and can there be more than one.
Why you must acknowledge your problems to attain more prosperity.
The 6 Steps to Manifest More Money
How to recognize those that are part of your tribe.
Morgana’s Site: https://www.morganarae.com/
Morgana’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0988259400/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_FFBPH2KBRFE48TN3Y8AD
Crazy Sexy Midlife Love Podcast: https://bbsradio.com/crazysexymidlifelove
The opening track is titled “Heart OF Sword 011” by Rukunetsu aka Project R. To hear and download the full track, click the following link. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/heartofsword011-samuraix
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