Oct. 28, 2021

Ep. 422 – “The Light Through The Pouring Rain” with James Ruvalcaba (@JamesMruvalcaba)

Ep. 422 – “The Light Through The Pouring Rain” with James Ruvalcaba (@JamesMruvalcaba)
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Ep. 422 – “The Light Through The Pouring Rain” with James Ruvalcaba (@JamesMruvalcaba)

“If the world stopped for every single time somebody passed, the world will never spin.” - James Ruvalcaba

“If the world stopped for every single time somebody passed, the world will never spin.” - James Ruvalcaba


Today’s featured bestselling author is contributing writer and featured artist of Own It Magazine, James Ruvalcaba. James and I talk about faith, dealing with grief, and more!!!


Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:

His writing process for his book.

How writing became his full-time job.

Why faith is important.

What keeps James going after losing six relatives back to back and his fiancé before the age of 27.


James’ Site: https://jamesruvalcaba.com/

James’ Book: https://www.amazon.com/James-Ruvalcaba/e/B08QNGXVCB/ref=aufs_dp_fta_dsk


The opening track is titled “Gonna Fly Now Remix” by EV Sharp aka MagicMusicx. To listen and download the full track, click the following link. https://soundcloud.com/evsharp/gonna-fly-now-remix#t=0:00


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