Jan. 15, 2022

Ep. 455.5 – “From Triggered to Tranquil” with Dr. Susan Campbell (@drsusan99)

Ep. 455.5 – “From Triggered to Tranquil” with Dr. Susan Campbell (@drsusan99)
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Ep. 455.5 – “From Triggered to Tranquil” with Dr. Susan Campbell (@drsusan99)

“Relationships are a spiritual journey for expanding beyond that egocentric, naïve view of how the world is.” – Dr. Susan Campbell

“Relationships are a spiritual journey for expanding beyond that egocentric, naïve view of how the world is.” – Dr. Susan Campbell

Today’s bonus featured international bestselling author is couple therapist, relationship coach, speaker, workshop leader, trained sex therapist, trainer of professional coaches, college professor, certified Radical Honesty trainer, and founding teacher of the Getting Real work, Dr. Susan Campbell. Dr. Susan and I talk about her latest book, “From Triggered to Tranquil: How Self-Compassion and Mindful Presence Can Transform Relationship Conflicts and Heal Childhood Wounds”, and more!!


Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:

How she got into relationship coaching.

What it means to be triggered.

How to differentiate in any given moment if we are communicating from the higher brain or from the survival brain.

Two of the five steps to “trigger mastery” that can be applied to any interpersonal relationship or encounter.



Dr. Susan’s Site: https://susancampbell.com/

Dr. Susan’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Susan-M.-Campbell/e/B001K7LDD0?ref_=dbs_p_pbk_r00_abau_000000


The opening track is titled, “Harbinger” by Asis Galvin. To listen and purchase the full track, click the following link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/harbinger



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