Ep. 456 – “Black Victim to Black Victor” with Adam Coleman (@wrong_speak)

“The more that you can be accountable for, the better your outcome can be.” – Adam Coleman
“The more that you can be accountable for, the better your outcome can be.” – Adam Coleman
Today’s featured author is public Speaker, certified IT Professional, and the Founder of Wrong Speak Publishing, Adam B. Coleman. Adam and I talk about his book, “Black Victim To Black Victor: Identifying the ideologies, behavioral patterns and cultural norms that encourage a victimhood complex”, and more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
What a “Black Victor” Is.
Why he published his book.
Some things to keep in mind before tying the knot.
How Adam became an IT Professional and his advice for aspiring IT professionals.
Adam’s Site: https://wrongspeak.net/
The opening track is titled, "Don't You" from The Solar Mixtape by Asis Galvin. Be sure to capture this beat by clicking this link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/dont-you
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