Ep. 459 – “Secret Life of a Hollywood Sex & Love Addict” with Brianne Davis (@TheBrianneDavis)

“Don’t be scared of your stories” – Brianne Davis
“Don’t be scared of your stories” – Brianne Davis
Today’s featured bestselling author is mom, wife, Hollywood actress, director, producer, and podcast host, Brianne Davis. Brianne and I talk about her 1st entry into the business of immortality, “Secret Life of a Hollywood Sex & Love Addict”, the willingness to be honest, and more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
Why it’s okay to ask for help.
Why she wrote her book and why chapter one was rewritten the most.
Brianne’s advice for aspiring authors who want to write a memoir.
The importance of sharing your recovery story.
Brianne’s Site: https://briannedavis.com/
Brianne’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Life-Hollywood-Love-Addict/dp/1736106503/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Brianne’s Podcast, “Secret Life”: https://secretlifepodcast.com/
The opening track is titled, "Pure White Field (SfEX2)" by Rukunetsu aka Project R. To listen and download the entire track, click the following link. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/pure-white-field-sfex2
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