Ep. 462.5 – “Beacons of Leadership” with Chris Voss of The Chris Voss Show (@ChrisVossShow1)

“Sometimes you go down a road as a comedian and you end up disturbing yourself.” – Chris Voss
“Sometimes you go down a road as a comedian and you end up disturbing yourself.” – Chris Voss
Today’s featured bonus author is consultant, speaker, Youtuber, 35+ year Serial Entrepreneur, and award-winning CEO/Host of The Chris Voss Show & CV Podcast Network, Chris Voss. Chris and I have a laughter-filled chat about his book, “Beacons of Leadership: Inspiring Lessons of Success in Business and Innovation”, what successful podcast hosts do, and more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
Why your book is for others and not your friends.
How Chris became an entrepreneur.
His rock-solid advice for podcast hosts.
Chris’ Site: https://thechrisvossshow.com/
The Chris Voss Show: http://thechrisvossshow.com/how-to-subscribe-to-the-chris-voss-show-podcast/
The opening track is titled “Vash The Stampede” by Asis Galvin. To listen to the full track and support the artist monetarily, click the following link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/vash-the-stampede
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