“Don’t let fear be your mode of operation.” – Joyce Marter
“Don’t let fear be your mode of operation.” – Joyce Marter
Today’s featured author is Renowned Psychotherapist, International Speaker, CEO, Entrepreneur, and Mental Health Thought Leader, Joyce Marter. Joyce and I have a chat about her new book, “The Financial Mindset Fix: A Mental Fitness Program for an Abundant Life”, what holds us back from cultivating abundance, and more!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
Why going to therapy is good for your overall well-being
What holds people back from having an abundance mentality.
One of the hardest lessons that Joyce needed to learn to advance further in business.
The 3 daily habits that contribute to Joyce’s success.
Joyce’s Site: https://www.joyce-marter.com/
Joyce’s Book: https://www.joyce-marter.com/book/the-financial-mindset-fix/
The opening track is titled “UVERWorld verR” by Rukunetsu aka Project R. To listen to and download the whole track, click the following link. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/uverworld-verr
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