Ep. 502 – “A Leadership Development Strategy To Bond And Unite” With Amy P. Kelly (@AmyPKelly)

“Outdo yourself by showing honor to other people. Even in the face of offense and opposition.” – Amy P. Kelly
The workplace can be a very stressful environment with a lot of personal problems and disagreements. A leadership development strategy needs to be present in every workplace. There needs to be some GLUE—God's Love Unites Everyone. In this episode, Dom Brightmon is joined by human resources and talent development executive Amy P. Kelly. Amy takes us deep into her new book, Glue: A Leadership Development Strategy to Bond and Unite, which is about the power of unconditional love in the workplace. Learn the most challenging part about writing a business storybook, what agape love is, and why it belongs in the workplace. Listen to this conversation as Amy reminds us to look at the world through the eyes of God's word.
Amy’s Site: https://www.amypkelly.com/
Amy’s Books: https://gluebondandunite.com/
The opening track is titled, "Heartbreaking Heartbeat" by Rukunetsu (AKA Project R). To listen and purchase the full song, click the following link. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/heartbreaking-heartbeat-p4
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