Ep. 507 – “From Hardened to Healed” with Dr. Debi Silber (@DebiSilber)

“If you have an idea, it’s because you’re the one to see it through.” – Dr. Debi Silber
“If you have an idea, it’s because you’re the one to see it through.” – Dr. Debi Silber
Today’s featured international bestselling bookcaster is mom, wife, holistic psychologist, TEDx speaker, and the founder of the PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute, Dr. Debi Silber. Dr. Debi and I have a high-energy chat about her book, “Trust Again: Overcoming Betrayal and Regaining Health, Confidence, and Happiness”, and how an unhealed betrayal impacts our health, work, and relationships.
Key Things You’ll Learn:
How she became an expert on betrayal
How betrayal is predictable
How betrayal affects your body
How betrayal show up in your relationships, work, and life
The five stages from betrayal to breakthrough
Dr. Debi’s Site: https://thepbtinstitute.com/
Dr. Debi’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Debi-Silber/e/B002BRDG5G?ref_=dbs_p_pbk_r00_abau_000000
The opening track is titled, “Harbinger” by Asis Galvin. To listen and purchase the full track, click the following link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/harbinger
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