Ep. 530 – “Nurse Turned Award-Winning Author” with Helen Starbuck (@HelenSStarbuck)

“Beta readers and editors are worth their weight in gold.” – Helen Starbuck
“Beta readers and editors are worth their weight in gold.” – Helen Starbuck
Today’s featured award-winning author is a third-generation Colorado native, former OR nurse, editor, and speaker, Helen Starbuck. Helen and I have a fun chat about her award-winning book series, “An Annie Collins Mystery”, how her career as an operating room nurse translated into her current career as a writer, and more!!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
How she became a writer
How Helen’s work as a nurse affects her writing
Why great books need good editors and honest beta readers
Why you must be as accurate as possible as an author no matter what genre you write for
The mindset to have about receiving bad book reviews
Why she does not get free coffee.
Helen’s Site: https://www.helenstarbuck.com/
The opening track is titled "Pilot Wings Remix" by Rukunetsu (aka Project R). Click on the following link to listen and cop the full tune. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/pilotwings-4-results
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