July 11, 2022

Ep. 533 – “Anime, Swords, & Knives, Oh My!” with Sarah Humpherys

Ep. 533 – “Anime, Swords, & Knives, Oh My!” with Sarah Humpherys
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Ep. 533 – “Anime, Swords, & Knives, Oh My!” with Sarah Humpherys

“Everything will always work out and it will be okay in the end if you just keep on working and keep on pursuing something you love.” - Sarah Humpherys

“Everything will always work out and it will be okay in the end if you just keep on working and keep on pursuing something you love.” - Sarah Humpherys

Today’s featured author is a die-hard fantasy nerd and teenage writer of six novels, Sarah Humpherys. Sarah and I have a lighthearted chat about her YA Fantasy Romance novel, “Stone Cold”, becoming published with a traditional publishing house before turning 18, and more anime-related fabulosity!  


Key Things You’ll Learn:

What she learned from selling her books after publishing them

Her writing process that allows her to finish her books.

Her advice for nonfiction authors who want to get into writing fantasy novels


Sarah’s Site: https://www.sarahhumpherys.com/

Sarah’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Sarah-Humpherys/e/B0927YHS4Q/ref=aufs_dp_fta_dsk

Calliope Inner Circle: https://calliopewritingcoach.com/calliope-inner-circle/


The opening track is titled "TOKI WO KOETE TYPE-R" by Rukunetsu (AKA Project R). Top cop the full track and support his craft, click the following link. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/comm-toki-wo-koete-type-r-2018


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