July 29, 2022

Ep. 540 – “How to Work a Room” with Susan RoAne (@susanroane)

Ep. 540 – “How to Work a Room” with Susan RoAne (@susanroane)
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Ep. 540 – “How to Work a Room” with Susan RoAne (@susanroane)

“Be the person who illuminates.” - Susan RoAne

“Be the person who illuminates.” - Susan RoAne

Today’s featured international bestselling author is keynote speaker, and The Mingling Maven®, Susan RoAne. Susan and I have a fun chat about her book, “How to Work a Room, 25th Anniversary Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Making Lasting Connections--In Person and Online”, how she became a master communicator, and more to help you become a savvy networker!!


Key Things You’ll Learn:

The 3 things that savvy and successful networkers do consistently.

Her advice for short ladies.

Her advice for authors looking to write their 1st or 7th book.

How to prepare your own self-introduction and why you need this before an elevator pitch


Susan’s Site: https://www.susanroane.com/

Susan’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Susan-RoAne/e/B000AQ4S84/ref=aufs_dp_fta_dsk

Donation Link for Nick’s Extra Life 2022 Fundraiser: https://www.facebook.com/donate/1024482458269726/10158934017293775/


The opening track is titled, “North Wind and the Sun” by Trevin P. to listen to the full track and download it, click the following link. https://compilationsforhumanity.bandcamp.com/track/north-wind-and-the-sun


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