Ep. 777 – Attract & Manifest Good Luck with Victoria Marie Gallagher (@LOAHypnotist)

"Luck is the ability to take the correct action in an opportunity." - Victoria M. Gallagher
"Luck is the ability to take the correct action in an opportunity." - Victoria M. Gallagher
Today’s featured #1 international bestselling bookcaster is a Certified Master Hypnotist, NLP Trainer, Transformation Meditation Teacher, life success coach, speaker, and a renowned authority on the Law of Attraction, Victoria Gallagher. Victoria and I had a fun on a bun chat about her book, “Attract Good Luck: Learn How to Control Your Life and Get What You Want”, how she got into writing books, the concept of programming our minds to attract good luck, and more!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
Why your words have the power and potential to shape your reality
How aligning desires, thoughts, beliefs, and actions can lead to incredible results
Some tips for becoming the perfect match for opportunities
How to reframe your complaints
3 major lessons Victoria learned from starting, running, and growing her podcast
Victoria’s Site: https://victoriamgallagher.com/
Victoria’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B07H7SFG3T/allbooks
Victoria’s Podcast, “Tap into The Power of Your Mind using Law of Attraction and Hypnosis Techniques”: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tap-into-the-power-of-your-mind-using-law/id1161784063
The opening track is titled "Money Trees" by the magnanimous chill-hop master, Marcus D (@marcusd). Be sure to visit his site and support his craft. https://marcusd.net/
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