Ep. 891 – Beautiful Mourning with Melissa Oatman (@MelissaOatman)

“Our loved ones love to let us know that they're still very much with us. They're just in another form, in another dimension. We can still very much get proof that we're not alone.” – Melissa Oatman
“Our loved ones love to let us know that they're still very much with us. They're just in another form, in another dimension. We can still very much get proof that we're not alone.” – Melissa Oatman
Today’s featured bonus bookcaster is Spiritual Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, German Teacher, and intuitive healer, Melissa Oatman. Melissa and I have a chat about her new book, “Beautiful Mourning: A Guide to Life After Loss”, the importance of kindness, self-publishing versus traditional publishing, and more!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
Why kindness pays off
Why Melissa titled her new book "Beautiful Morning" and its intended message
How to reframe your thoughts and rebuild after grief
What inspired Melissa to take the indie route by publishing her new book
Melissa’s Site: https://www.melissaoatman.com/
Melissa’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AMelissa+Oatman&s=relevancerank&text=Melissa+Oatman&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
Melissa’s Podcast, ”Awaken Your Inner Awesomeness”: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/awaken-your-inner-awesomeness-melissa-oatman-daily/id1409822126
The opening track is titled "Heatsource" by the magnanimous chill-hop master, Marcus D (@marcusd). Be sure to visit his site and support his craft. https://marcusd.net/
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