#FearlessEntrepreneurs with David Smith, Kym Glass, & Kohila Sivas

“You can’t get to the next place with the same connections you have today.” – Kym Glass
“You can’t get to the next place with the same connections you have today.” – Kym Glass
Today’s 4th of 5 bonus inspirational author panels for September 2021 features 3 of the authors from the number one bestselling book, “The Fearless Entrepreneurs: Fear Less; Be More”. We talked about what it means to be a fearless entrepreneur, using setbacks as a stepping stone, and more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
Why it’s good to be part of a collaborative book. Especially as an entrepreneur.
A habit that every fearless entrepreneur should have.
How to deal with setbacks on your entrepreneur route.
Kohila’s Site: https://www.mathcodes.com/
Kym’s Site: http://kymglass.com/
David’s Site: https://www.davidsmithspeaks.com/
The opening track is titled "Glorious Fanfare Remix" by Asis Galvin. To listen and purchase the full track, click the following link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/ff13-2-glorious-fanfare-remix
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