#Holiday Bonus Ep. – “Happy Money” with Ken Honda (@KenHondaHappy)

“The people who carry happy money are generally nice, generous, happy people.” – Ken Honda
“The people who carry happy money are generally nice, generous, happy people.” – Ken Honda
Today’s featured international bestselling author is happiness expert, Zen Millionaire, and the first person from Japan to be voted into the Transformational Leadership Council, Ken Honda. Ken and I have a fun chat about his book, “Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money”, creating more joy in your life, and tons more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
Why he’s not a fan of the term “Self-made”. 😊
How to get into your happy zone to attract more abundance.
What is happy money and what makes money unhappy.
Why money can be like air for you.
The 2 types of time to have daily.
Ken’s Site: http://kenhonda.com/
Ken’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Happy-Money-Japanese-Making-Peace/dp/1501188372
The opening track is titled “Kirin” by Marcus D. to listen to the full track and purchase the whole album, click the following link. https://marcusd.net/album/kirin
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