#M2M Bonus Ep. – “The Un-Birthday Gift” with Myriam Ben Salem (@MyriamBenSalem)

“Listen to the call of your authentic self.” - Myriam Ben Salem
“Listen to the call of your authentic self.” - Myriam Ben Salem
Today’s featured author is recovered perfectionist, animal lover, writer, storyteller, and edutaining keynote speaker, Myriam Ben Salem. Myriam and I talk about her story in the book, “Mayhem to Miracles”, overcoming abuse, and more!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
One of the benefits of being a top-performer.
What gaslighting is.
What helped Myriam find joy.
Her process for choosing which story to add to the book.
Myriam’s Site: https://unleashgreatness.blogspot.com/
The Book, “Mayhem to Miracles: Sacred Stories of Transformational Hope”: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1945026782/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_TH54BZ8RTEYFGRP7FE6Z
The opening track is titled “Heart OF Sword 011” by Rukunetsu aka Project R. To hear and download the full track, click the following link. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/heartofsword011-samuraix
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