Episode 0 - Hello World! 👋

The GoingVC Podcast: Uncovering new paths into VC, diving deeper into alternative models, and addressing areas of weakness every second Monday with Austin and JJ MacLean (@jjmaclean) from the GoingVC team.
GoingVC is a global community and career development program for venture capital. To learn more or to check out our guides, content, models, and VC research checkout www.goingvc.com/blog
Feedback? We'd love to hear it: podcast@goingvc.com
The GoingVC Podcast: Uncovering new paths into VC, diving deeper into alternative models, and addressing areas of weakness every second Monday with Austin and JJ MacLean (@jjmaclean) from the GoingVC team.
GoingVC is a global community and career development program for venture capital. To learn more or to check out our guides, content, models, and VC research checkout www.goingvc.com/blog
Feedback? We'd love to hear it: podcast@goingvc.com