608 Josh Zander zandergolf.com> is back from last week’s episode, but this time he’s doing a live short game clinic at a charity tournament in San Francisco. This is the entire clinic that covers chipping, pitching, bunker shots and more. In addition...
608 Josh Zander zandergolf.com> is back from last week’s episode, but this time he’s doing a live short game clinic at a charity tournament in San Francisco. This is the entire clinic that covers chipping, pitching, bunker shots and more. In addition to the short game video we shared last week, there’s another short video from the clinic where Josh talks about the most effective practice session you can have when you distinguish between block practice and situational practice. Do you just pound ball after ball when at the range, or do you switch clubs with each ball, give yourself a target, and situation to attack? Josh has the answer in this video. https://youtu.be/lBNRxpwTD54
Have a question about your game or equipment? Call 1-415-761-1498 and leave your question, and Fred will get one of our pros to answer it on the show…unless of course if you have a question, comment or suggestion for Fred. Go ahead and call right now! 1-415-761-1498
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